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United States immigration law is a confusing, inaccessible, and often inconsistent mess of federal legislation, court precedents, and contrasting executive orders. Immigration regulations usually also change based on the president in office. Unfortunately, this means that the millions of people who file petitions, applications, and benefit requests with U.S. Citizenship & Immigration Services (USCIS) often have to overcome time-consuming obstacles if they want to succeed.
If you need to obtain a visa, adjust your lawful status, or acquire assistance with contesting removal proceedings, an experienced legal representative could make all the difference. A knowledgeable and dedicated Mississippi immigration lawyer could be your ally every step of the way, working diligently on your behalf to enforce your rights as a potential American.
USCIS receives countless applications for immigrant and non-immigrant visas every year, which unfortunately means that extend processing delays plague obtaining a permit. Additionally, numerous types of visas are only available in limited supply. Both of these unfortunate realities mean that a mistake or missing piece of information could severely impact a potential immigrant’s future plans.
Thankfully, an experienced attorney could help assemble an airtight visa application, determine which specific permit to apply for, and handle potential delays in a productive manner. Similarly, legal representation could also provide irreplaceable guidance throughout the process of seeking or renewing Legal Permanent Resident status, otherwise known as obtaining a green card.
Finally, USCIS established various programs for “Special Immigrants” that grant individuals coming into the U.S. under specific extreme circumstances a slightly more streamlined path. A resourceful attorney in Mississippi could answer questions about declaring asylum, seeking entrance as a refugee, and obtaining protection as a special immigrant.
Receiving a notice to appear in court for removal proceedings or being arrested by Immigration and Customs Enforcement can be a frightening experience for anyone. Things become even more stressful when a foreign national does not understand the grounds ICE is basing its case around, or if potential immigrant has little experience dealing with similar proceedings.
Fortunately, a tenacious legal representative could work tirelessly to protect the rights of individuals accused by the Department of Homeland Security of being here unlawfully. Whether someone is charged with overstaying their visa, entering the U.S. outside a port of entry, or doing something that makes them removable under federal law, representation from a skilled lawyer in Mississippi could substantially improve their odds of a successful immigration case.
The various interwoven and fluctuating systems that make up current U.S. immigration policy can be difficult to understand, even with guidance from a well-practiced legal professional. Without personalized assistance from a qualified attorney of your own, your odds of achieving a positive result from your interactions with USCIS or DHS are unfortunately, slim.
However, valuable aid is available from a seasoned Mississippi immigration lawyer who has helped people in similar situations. Call the office today to learn more about your options and schedule and initial appointment.