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Individuals from foreign countries might seek entry into the United States for countless reasons. Whether you are coming to America for educational opportunities, seeking work, or fleeing danger, a California immigration lawyer might be able to help.
You might also benefit from the assistance of a California immigration lawyer if you are already within the United States. A skilled legal representative could help you with everything from seeking asylum to adjusting your legal status. Consider seeking legal counsel before attempting to address these crucial issues on your own.
U.S. immigration laws allow foreign nationals to enter the United States to avoid persecution in their home country. This oppression or mistreatment must stem from certain factors, including:
There are no costs associated with applying for asylum. However, a foreign citizen can only apply for asylum while in the United States. While many immigrants submit their requests as soon as they reach their port of entry, individuals seeking asylum must apply within one year of entering the country.
Once the government grants asylum, it will remain active unless the immigrant seeks to adjust their legal status. After a year within the United States, a foreign national who received asylum can seek a green card.
The process of applying for asylum can become complicated. Fortunately, a resourceful immigration attorney could help a newcomer to California navigate any issues that might arise.
One of the most common situations that knowledgeable immigration lawyers help with is pursuing legal U.S. residency in California. There are many different ways to secure either temporary or permanent residency under federal law.
Many immigrants seek lawful permanent residency based on their relationship with someone who is already in the country. In most cases, the family members of citizens and residents are allowed to pursue their own legal status.
Eligibility for temporary residency is based on several factors. Many immigrants seek provisional admission for education purposes, while others come to California to work.
Pursuing a green card can be a long, drawn-out process. However, a tenacious immigration lawyer could simplify the process and increase the odds that a California resident’s green card application will be successful.
Fortunately, anyone who finds themselves fighting deportation or removal has options. An immigrant might face deportation for numerous reasons.
The U.S. government frequently deports immigrants after a criminal arrest or conviction. While not all criminal sentences will put an immigrant at risk of deportation, serious offenses, and malicious crimes are often grounds for removal from the United States.
There are some situations where the federal government will agree to waive or defer deportation. They might consider this option for individuals with close family ties in California who have lived in the country for years without issues. A compassionate attorney serving California who handles immigration cases could help argue that deportation and removal are inappropriate.
No matter your status or situation, the guidance of an attorney could be invaluable during the immigration process. Both immigrants coming to the United States and people already in the country could benefit from seeking experienced legal counsel.
Let a California immigration lawyer serve as your advocate while you pursue your goal of residing in the U.S. Call today to schedule a consultation.